Visual MD

Mar 21, 20183 min

Resources To Ease Stress

Levels of stress and anxiety have never been higher, with approximately 40 million Americans reporting that they regularly suffer from anxiety. There are multiple possible causes for the growth of stress in society, from financial pressures to the increased use of social media as the main communication tool and its negative effect on self-esteem. Is it any wonder in today’s constantly busy world we can find ourselves overwhelmed? However, there are steps we can take to try to ease daily stress. Below is a selection of resources to help, whether in your personal life or if you run a small business.

Take up mindfulness and meditation

Taking up a regular meditative practice, such as mindfulness, can help to ease personal psychological stress, anxiety, and depression. Anxiety can lead to disturbed sleep patterns, increased irritability, lack of focus, mood swings and low libido. Mindfulness is a stress-management practice that focuses on letting troubling worries or thoughts pass, concentrating on the present moment and not the future or the past. By focusing on the now, you can significantly lower your stress levels and boost your mood.

Deal with your emotional issues

It is rare to find an adult who doesn’t carry around emotional baggage, and if you have emotional issues that may be holding you back or causing stress then acknowledging and addressing them can help to bring back balance and calm. Emotional issues can present in many ways, for example, an underlying behavioral or emotional issue can trigger an addiction to shopping, food or gambling. These behavioral addictions, otherwise known as Process addictions, can be treated in tandem with substance abuse addictions. If you feel you would benefit from therapy, then take some time to research the style most suited to you. For example, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) therapy can be a useful psychological approach. NLP examines patterns of behavior, language and thought, and replaces the negative processes with more positive ones.

Ease business stresses

If you run a small or medium business, then it is likely there are elements which are stressful and not as productive as they could be. To help minimize your business stresses and increase motivation and productivity look at ways you can streamline your processes. For example, make a concise list of goals, ensuring all employees are working together towards the top goal, and let go of anything that is not forwarding you to achieving that goal. Take the time to research the most cost-effective approaches will pay off. For example, if you regularly need to move stock or products across the state or country then finding a reliable and trustworthy freight shipping company will give you peace of mind and allow you time to focus on other more pressing tasks.

While it can be tempting to work long hours when you have pressing deadlines and an inbox full of unread emails, in fact taking your lunch at your desk can be counter-productive. Ensure that both you and your employees take regular breaks; even just ten minutes walking outside can help to manage your stress levels and focus your thoughts. Taking a positive attitude towards downtime, and noting how regular short breaks can actually result in greater productivity, focus, and creativity, will help to boost the atmosphere of your workplace and create a more focused yet relaxed working environment. ( Source : patheos )
