Nishi Sheth
Hello , myself nishi sheth . I will be graduating from pharmd next month . I wanted to apply for data analytics concentration in healthcare. Because It will really help in my career as I am going to pursue health informatics in USA for my masters . I urge you to please accept me as intern .
15 September 2021
Bacteremia refers to the transient presence of organisms in the blood ( generally without causing symptoms) as a result of local infection or penetrating injury. septicemia is reserved for the clinical picture that results from the systemic inflammatory response to infection.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: polymorphonuclear leucocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes, which release inflammatory mediators, including TNF, IL-1, platelet-activating factor, IL-6, IL-8, and interferon which leads to symptoms like fever, tachycardia, increased respiratory rate, and hypotension.
40% cases- caused by gram-positive bacteria
60% cases- caused by gram-negative bacteria
Fungi - less common
Risk factor:
Infection in chest
Urinary tract infection
IV drug use
Hospitalized patients
Clinical presentation:
Fever , rigors and hypotension
Lrthargy, headache
minor change in conscious level.
Waterhouse-friedrischsen syndrome ( caused by niesseria meningitidis) which shows skin rash, shock, and adrenal hemorrhage
stapylococci- produce endotoxin called toxic shock syndrome ( causing fever, rash, diarrhoea and shock)
Blood count
Serum electrolytes
Liver biochemistry
Blood culture
chest radiograph
Antibiotic therapy is the most appropriate for the probable site of origin of sepsis in accordance with local antibiotic policies.
Therapy should subsequently be rationalized on the basis of culture and sensitivity results.
In severe sepsis and septic shock, attention should be paid to fluid resuscitation and often the patient will be best managed in critical care environment .
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