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Sneha Jadhav

I Sneha Anil Jadhav, I complete my graduation in pharmacy under Shivaji University Kolhapur and now i am doing masters degree in pharmacology under Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Also I Publish Research article & I also publish articles at CHEARS.

What’s in your cosmetic?

15 December 2021

We see everywhere that the media is covering us with the news that the Sulphates and the Parabens are a danger to us. But no one has ever revealed the real reason and why now that it has been done for so many years? What are parabens and sulphates, anyway? Let’s know about it……

What are the Parabens?

Parabens are the most commonly used chemicals in your makeup, skin care, hair care, and personal health products. Their main purpose is to maintain shelf life and to stop the growth of germs within products. There are many different types of parabens that you will find when reading labels: propyl paraben, methyl paraben, ethyl paraben, and isobutyl paraben to name just a few. Basically, anything with the word "paraben" in the end. Parabens are a family of related chemicals that are often used as preservatives in cosmetic products. Fertilizers can be used in cosmetics to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, in order to protect both products and consumers.

How Parabens affects:

Studies have shown that some parabens stimulate the action of the hormone estrogen in the body's cells. Although estrogenic action is associated with other types of breast cancer, parabens have also been found in breast cancer. Parabens are easily absorbed by your body and excreted, but it is still unclear if they cause any long-term health risks. One thing is certain how we are exposed to them: A study in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology found that pregnant women who used a number of human care products had higher levels of paraben in their urine; The main contributors were cosmetics, hair gels, and perfumes. The FDA reopened the study of parabens in 2005, and came to the same conclusion: As parabens are commonly used in concentrating less than they consider safe (up to 25 percent safe; standard product levels range from 0.01 to 0.3 percent), who do not believe there is sufficient evidence to worry about their use in cosmetics.

What is Sulphates?

"sulphates" refer to a group of detergents used in soaps and other rare products such as oil-based or blending products. Sulphates are commonly found in shampoos, face wash, toothpaste, and in skincare products. "sodium lauryl sulphate" or "Sodium Laureth Sulphate," often abbreviated as SLS or SLES. They are the ones who provide these products with a bubbly texture.

How Sulphates affects:

Sulphates are dangerous because they are intended to break down proteins, which can lead to a detrimental effect on cell membranes. Sulphates are also found to leave impurities in the heart, lungs, and brain. There is no direct evidence linking SLS and SLES to cancer, infertility, or developmental problems. These chemicals may form slightly in your body through prolonged use, but the amounts are small.

The greatest danger of using products with SLS and SLES is irritation of your eyes, skin, mouth, and lungs. In people with sensitive skin, sulphates may clog pores and cause acne. Many products have a low concentration of SLS or SLES in its composition. But the longer the products stay in contact with your skin or eyes, the greater the risk of irritation. Washing the product immediately after use reduces the risk of irritation.

Sulphates and Parabens are not good for your hair. They can cause dryness, pain, dry scalp, and hair loss. Sulphates are great for removing build up from your hair and the accumulation of impurities in the skin but also for removing natural oils and leaving your hair broken and dry. Researchers have also found that sulphates cause eye damage in young children, which is why it is important to use sulphate-free shampoos and free parabens products for babies and infants.

Which products contains Paraben & Sulphates:

· Liquid and powder foundation.

· BB and CC creams.

· Tinted moisturizer.

· Sunscreen.

· Cream and powder blush.

· Moisturizing face cream.

· Lotion.

· Shampoo.

· shaving cream

· lipstick

· lip balm

· Petroleum jelly

· Face wash etc.

What FDA Say’s

Cosmetics sold to consumers in stores or online should have a list of ingredients, each with its own or common name. This is important information for consumers who want to know if the product contains an ingredient they wish to avoid. Paraben is usually easy to identify by name, such as methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, or ethylparaben.

We can use safe cosmetics!

It is easy to replace your sulphate and paraben products with many healthy, natural, and eco-friendly options. Now that you know what features to look for in this label, you can just see the sulphate and paraben-free label on them.

Products that do not contain sulphate and paraben are in good condition now as they claim to greatly reduce problems related to hair loss, skin damage, dandruff, dry skin and hair etc. Many Indian and Non-Indian brands have introduced paraben-free and sulphate-free products. Those kinds of products also get good feedback from their customers.









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