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Current Affaris

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Current affairs plays an important role in our daily life specially for a student, it will help the students at the curcial time when they want to study for the exam. Now many competitive exams contain question related to the latest current affairs updates, apart from the academic knowledge, one should know the importance and must be aware of daily news, having knowledge about facts and current affairs, gives us the confidence also and we are able to talk to people around us about the topics we know, its always good to tell others about our opinion. Current affairs also plays and important role in various exams like UPSC, SSC,IBPS and many more, in which students must clear a section based on current affairs which took place in the world, even after an exam ,in the interview also they give a situation based on ongoing latest current affairs and take your views based on it, even when we see an individual trying to get a job, they might ask you basic question about latest affairs and you want to get a gov job which has huge respect and huge pay scale then my friend, you shall have all the knowledge about the current affairs.

Reading everyday newspaper helps an individual in his day to day life, he/she is aware about the latest updates happening all around the world beacuse knowledge is one thing that never goes waste, no one is asking you to have all the knowledge at once but take baby steps, take out atleast 15 min from your day to read about the news and make it a daily habit and you will slowly be able to cut to the chase.

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Aastha Butail

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