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An Overview on a Pitta Dosha

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27 Dec 2021

Pitta translates almost like fire. However, the word does not refer to fire in a literal sense, in the sense that you can hear or feel like a candle or an open fire. Pitta dosha, the body heat energy, is invisible. It manifests itself in your metabolism. When our food is broken down in the stomach and intestines, when enzymes or hormones are released that release endocrine cells into the bloodstream - Pitta remains involved. This also means that everyone has Pitta bio-energy, which is made primarily a fire element. The water feature also makes an offering (small).

Pitta's basic structure consists of fire and water. A common translation of the word pitta is “the process of digestion.” According to Ayurveda, this is a dosha responsible for our mental digestive experience we experience in life and for digesting our natural food. Pitta is responsible for all of our chemical and metabolic changes.

5 types of pitta dosha

1. Pachaka pitta - Governs digestion of food which is broken down into nutrients and waste. Located in the lower stomach and small intestine.

2. Ranjaka pitta - Governs formation of red blood cells. Gives colour to blood and stools. Located in the liver, gallbladder and spleen.

3. Alochaka pitta - Governs visual perception. Located in the eyes.

4. Sadhaka pitta - Governs emotions such as contentment, memory, intelligence and digestion of thoughts. Located in the heart.

5. Bharajaka pitta - Governs lustre and complexion, temperature and pigmentation of the skin. Located in the skin.


Signs and symptoms of pitta imbalance:

Pitta regulates digestion and metabolism, so fire may first erupt in the small intestine and stomach. The main pitta seats on the body for constipation, heartburn, or diarrhea. Other symptoms of pitta imbalance include:

• Producing excess heat in the bozdy.

• Acid reflux, gas, indigestion.

• Inflammation of the joints.

• Nausea, diarrhoea or constipation.

• Anger and resentment.

• Bad breath.

• Body odour.

• Heavy sweating.


Tips to balance pitta-

Eat Pitta-balancing food

In Ayurveda, different tastes pacify different doshas. Eating foods that are bitter, sweet, and astringent can help a great deal in pacifying pitta. Some great options include apples, grapes, zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers, cilantro, and fresh organic dairy. Beans, grains, coconut, and watermelon are also wonderful foods for pitta imbalance.

Eliminate or reduce your intake of alcohol, coffee, heavy meats, and fried, oily, salty, spicy, and sour foods during times of pitta imbalance. Instead of salt, use fennel seeds, coriander, fenugreek, and fresh lime juice for seasoning.

Consume pitta pacifying foods (bitter, astringent, sweet tasting food). Milk, ghee, butter are good pitta pacifiers. Prefer sweet fruits over the sour ones.


Some ayurvedic medicine to reduce pitta dosha

• Amla or Amalaki is one of the best pitta home remedies. It helps to cleanse the pitta from the digestive system. Amla can be eaten as a fruit, or Amalaki capsule can be consumed as a medicine to reduce pitta.

• Neem is a powerful herb that helps in controlling pitta. Neem is bitter and is one of the best herbs to manage pitta disorder. Neem can be taken in any form; such as tablets or herbs.

• Ayurvedic Ghee is medicinal ghee containing pomegranate, Triphala, and Indian herbs that reduce pitta.

• Ghee prepared from cow's milk is an excellent home remedy to reduce pitta and body heat.

• Triphala helps to calm pitta dosha. Shatavari is another herb of choice for pacifying pitta.

• Cardamom is a common spice that is effective in reducing pitta.

• Cumin can be taken after lunch to reduce pitta.





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Sneha Anil Jadhav

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