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Aakash Jain

Aakash Jain

I'm Aakash Jain, 21years old, resident of Delhi, India. I'm a student by profession, currently pursuing Bachelor's in Pharmacy from Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University. I'm in my final semester of Graduation.
From the very beginning of my bachelor's, I've been a part of many student organisations in my college related to my field such as National Forum of Pharmacy Students (NFPS), Delhi Branch as well as some co-curricular fields such as Rotaract Club of DPSRU.
At NFPS, I've served as a Director of Strategy and Planning where I've been a part of event management team that organises events related to our profession.
At Rotaract Club, I've served as vocational service committee member and International Services Director where I've planned social service related activities for the underprivileged.
I've been a good academic scholar throughout my bachelor's with SGPA above 8 and 9.
I've done my schooling from Army Public School, Noida, India. I've scored 96% in my senior secondary (class 12th).

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