Regional Chapter @ CHEARS
To Start Chapter , please complete the following documents and send to chapter@phaf.in
CV of Proposed Regional President

Article 1 : Name
1. The name of this organization should be the CHEARS Student Chapter at <Region/State name>, herein referred to as CHEARS <CHAPTER NAME>.
Article 2: Affiliation 1:
CHEARS CHAPTER shall maintain affiliation as a component chapter of the CHEARS.
Article 3: Membership Active membership
Membership shall be open to any undergraduate or graduate student at any health-related academic institution.
Each Member should register themself as CHEARS members.
Chapter members shall be CHEARS student members.
Article 4: Organization
The CHEARS Chapter Executive Committee shall have : President , President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer.
The CHEARS Chapter should have at least 30 student members.
The chapter executive officers shall hold their respective positions for a term of one year, or for the remainder of a term when filling a vacancy.
A faculty member shall be asked to serve as the Faculty Advisor, and shall oversee the activities of the student chapter.
A person who is not in good academic standing in the academic institution shall not be elected to hold a position in the Chapter Executive Committee.
Article 5: Procedures
CHAPTER shall hold general meetings during the academic year. Special executive meetings shall be held at the discretion of the executive officers.
Meeting should count at least one in a month (Excluding any month of vacation or unavoidable circumstances. ) Virtual Meetings should be preferred in the current situation.
Report for the same should be sent to chapter@phaf.in . Report should contain minutes of meeting, List of attendees and pic(if any).
Article 6: Duties
The President of chapter shall:
1. Conduct and preside over all meeting of chapter
2. Represent chapter when called upon to do so.
3. Provide a report of activities and financial transactions to the CHEARS.
The President-elect of chapter shall:
1. Succeed to the office of the President upon completion of a one-year term of President-elect.
2. Conduct and preside over all meetings in the absence of the President.
3. Assist the President with the responsibilities
The Secretary of chapter shall:
1. Record the minutes of meetings.
2. Work with other Executive Committee members to submit the Chapter Annual Report (typically by end of December).
The Treasurer of chapter shall:
1. Be responsible for any financial transactions of Chapter (If Any) .
2. Keep and maintain the CHAPTER members records.
3. Assist the President in the preparation of an annual budget.
4. Oversee the financial activities of chapter.
Article 7: Activities
Chapter is fully independent to conduct any educational activity at their own level. Report of the same should be sent to research@phaf.in
Chapter is authorized to use CHEARS name and logo in association with their organizational logo with prior approval for same from CHEARS.
Chapter can send their event broadcast to chapter@phaf.in so that it will be broadcasted through our global channel.