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  Research Database  

  Approaching innovative ray  

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Research ID :


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Status of study

Title Approval 




Mid term Report


Final Report


Tobacco use is a major health risk worldwide, and it is important to understand the factors that contribute to smoking habits among adults. This project will use data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to examine key aspects of tobacco use prevalence and smoking behavior.The data includes a wide range of variables, which will allow us to explore smoking habits in greater detail. The project will focus on the following five areas:

Smoking frequency: We will examine the smoking frequency variable to understand the prevalence of smoking habits among current smokers. This analysis will shed light on the intensity of tobacco use and provide valuable insights into the smoking patterns among different demographic groups.

Age-related patterns of tobacco use: We will investigate the relationship between age groups and cigarette use prevalence. By examining the data across different age brackets, we can identify variations in smoking rates and explore potential trends or changes in tobacco use among adults.

Geographic distribution of tobacco use: We will map the prevalence of tobacco use across different regions using the geolocation information provided in the dataset. This analysis will enable us to identify areas with high smoking rates, which will help us to target resources and interventions for effective tobacco control efforts.

Predicting tobacco use prevalence: We will develop predictive models to estimate the prevalence of tobacco use among adults using demographic variables, such as gender, race, and education level. These models will provide valuable insights into the expected smoking rates within specific demographic groups and aid in forecasting future trends.

Exploring associations with external variables: We will explore potential associations between tobacco use prevalence and external variables, such as measures of socioeconomic status or health indicators. By integrating external datasets, we aim to identify any contextual factors that may be related to smoking habits and inform comprehensive tobacco control strategies.The findings from this project will contribute to the existing knowledge on tobacco use among adults and provide evidence-based insights for public health initiatives and policies. The project will not only inform targeted interventions, but it will also contribute to a broader understanding of the complex dynamics surrounding tobacco use prevalence and its associated factors.

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